Jane Walker
Searching Lines
This is an exhibition of new paintings.
All of these paintings are painted over old paintings, re-cycled. They consist of political slogans covered with pink paint. I was using white before but it was too serious, pink works better. I found it really empowering to start the day painting protest slogans, angry things such as ‘Stop Privatisation of the NHS’, Ceasefire, roughly daubing the words onto a canvas over rough layers of old paintings.
Even though they are covered over the words are still there. They are under the top layer of pink paint. I used lighter pinks to block light toned slogans and deeper pinks to allow more difficult to read slogans to just have a presence. I find myself deliberately trying to blur some words because the finished painting is different to what is underneath, it has a different intention. The layer of pink paint looks like a clean slate to start with. Into the pink I scratch lines that come from my drawings of cities, usually taken from above or a high viewpoint. At this point of the process the painting is about the lines, I re-do them over and over again to get them to feel right, I don’t want them to be descriptive.
Begleitende Veranstaltungen während der Ausstellung
Accompanying events during the exhibition
I am not doing a vernissage or finissage, I will be there to talk about the work to visitors. It is the beginning of something I want to see in a small exhibition.
Öffnungszeiten/Opening hours:
Thursday 30th May, Friday 31st May, Saturday 1st June: 11am-3pm
Tuesday 4th June: by appointment
Ausstellungsort/Exhibition location:
Aire Place Studios
Unit 2c, Aire Place Mills
Kirkstall Road
Leeds LS3 1JL
Great Britain
Website der Künstlerin/Artist’s website:
Website des Veranstalters/Organiser’s website: